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Food Share

Proverbs 3 v 27...

'Whenever you are able, do good to people who need help.'


The Caersalem Poject's relationship with 'Jesus Cares' has enabled us to begin a free food share programme. 


The 'Jesus Cares' ministry started in 2009 as a result of community organisations contacting the Kings Church in Newport to ask for food for families they were working with. They have helped families and individuals living in poverty and deprivation in South Wales, by empowering partner organisations to deliver practical help.

Currently the Food Share project makes a variety of products available to residents of the estate.


These have included bread, cereals, vegetables, chocolate, hygiene products, baby food and nappies.


We use the Community Coffee Morning every Thursday as the distribution outlet.


This offers people the opportunity to socialise in a free café style event as well as accessing the Food Share.


We have also been able to carry out home deliveries of Baby Food to several young families.

Our vision for the Food Share is to work with other organisations in order to expand the access to surplus goods throughout Caerphilly County Borough.

We are particularly keen to increase the distribution of baby food products, which offer an excellent source of nutrition during early development.

We appreciate the effectiveness of co operation and are very grateful to 'Jesus Cares' for their practical support.

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